Strumming And Rhythm Mastery - Creating Percussion And Extra Coolness With Rests...


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22 responses to “SRM Video 3”

  1. I’ve been taking guitar lessons from a guy that never learned to read music. Growing up, I read music in band, but find I need to get back in the habit. These lessons have helped.

  2. Griff, Thanks for your excellent Blues Guitar lessons ! Beginning and Version 2. Those along with your email lessons have breathed new life into my playing. I’m 71 and started playing daily 10 months ago. I play for fun and love learning your tutorials. I look forward to playing and receiving them. Thank you my Friend! You’re an excellent teacher!! You can teach old dog new tricks!

  3. How does this course compare to the classic rock rhythm section and to the rhythm and lead course

  4. The first two lessons of this strumming sequence were great. Stuff I really needed to know since this is mostly what I do. This one though, I don’t get. I loved the sequence at the end but how to get there…. Just keep practicing and watching the video I guess.

  5. Hey Griff,

    When you do these fabulous Email Video lessons you should let us all know which BGU Course relates in more detail. I assume the course would be Strumming & Rhythm Mastery. When I purchase a new Acoustic in Aug 2016, I will be looking at this course at that time. All great. Michael-St Andrews-Australia May 2016

  6. Learning about rest’s have been a part of my playing that I didn’t quite get. Your lesson made it very clear.

  7. Actually, Mel Brooks was doing yet another spoof on the Humphrey Bogart movie classic Treasure of the Sierra Madre. “Baa-jes? We don’t need no steenkin’ baa-jes.” Great movie. And, even greater tutorials on the illusive blues. Thanks Griff for bringing the blues into my home, into my amp n into my heart!!!

  8. This is very good stuff. Some months back I saw a very good guitarist playing a very hot funk rhythm and I tried to copy what he was doing but couldn’t actually figure out his count, and I didn’t give any consideration to the rests. I was working on other stuff so I didn’t put a great deal of effort towards it, but I did save the video and maybe now I can figure out his count. This was one the hottest funk guitar rhythms I had ever heard and it’s on my bucket list to learn it.

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